• Nov 06 Fri 2009 00:00
  • Alone

I've been thinking, is friends like that all the times?

it's like when you have a new friend, and when you know them for pretty long time, they would always treat you not exactly like before, if it is like that, I really wouldn't want to be close with anyone at all, lol, I rather be alone than getting a bunch of fake friends ( honestly )

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So lately, I've been so bored and I haven't really contact my friends since they're usually busy all the times


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 見鬼的生日蛋糕,也不能叫生日蛋糕,吃起來像朱古力Pudding O.O


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went to theresa's little birthday celebration @ Destiny with Kow Ho and Slut


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Hey=), Long time didn't blog ( so I'll just do a summer digest instead )


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Finally I got my japan Rohto C3 eye drops^~^ my eyes been killing me lately


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amandapoison 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

What is he holding? LOL Taiwanese omelette


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