I've been thinking, is friends like that all the times?
it's like when you have a new friend, and when you know them for pretty long time, they would always treat you not exactly like before, if it is like that, I really wouldn't want to be close with anyone at all, lol, I rather be alone than getting a bunch of fake friends ( honestly )
is guys really that important to girls? it's like girls can't live without them?
I really don't care and don't give a shit, it's not like I can't live without them
I am who I am, I am Amanda
I'm not gonna be emo again just because of those people
When I tell them something, they never tell u anything until everyone knows, lol..
and I really hate when I try to talk to people, and they ignore you like shit
when you don't talk to them because you're sick and tired of how they treated you, and they will talk to you ( dude, I'm not a freaking kitty cat, it's not like you wanna talk to me, then I will answer you )
I wonder if anyone treated me as a real friend before?... I used my true heart to treat them, but it seems like I never get treated bak as a real friend ... lol
seriously...do I have to be all bitchy and stuffs to get a real friend?
..whatever... I'm not gonna treat anyone as my close friend anymore
the only close friend is myself
which I will never get hurt lol